What is this? Simply a quick way to search through 52,276 Sydney Striders 10k performances, across the years, without the hassle of having to go to the results page for each individual race. The database currently contains results dating back to 2002. Earlier results are being collated and formatted to be added soon. Want to help? Get in touch.

Please enter some search criteria to look for results (Eg: Your first name & last name).
Race month:
Race year:
By course:
Sex: *
Category position:
Gender position **
Age and Gender Adjusted Points ***
Time (in hh:mm:ss format)
First name contains:      OR       First name is exactly:       OR       Last name is exactly:

* Available consistently from race 7, 2015 as well as random races from earlier years where the data was available.
**Available from race 1, 2016.
*** Available from race 1, 2016.